Valentine's Day Toddler Activities and Crafts

Happy February!

Here are my favorite Valentine’s Day themed activities and crafts for 2-, 3-, and 4-year olds!

Handprint Art

No kitchen fridge is complete without a few pieces of adorable handprint art! I love to look back at the itty bitty handprints and watch them grow throughout the years.


Color Matching

There is no better way to practice colors than with a box of chocolates and hearts :) These two activities are easy to use just print, cut and you’re ready to go! I like to laminate the pieces so we can use them again and again. These are also really fun to do with sensory bins- just put the pieces into a bin filled with a sensory materials such as rice or beans and let your little dig around for the pieces!


Repeating and Extending Patterns

Recognizing, repeating and extending patterns is a skill students will practice throughout life! This activity is great for toddlers all the way to first graders. Start with repeating basic AABB patterns then ABAB patterns and finally ABCABC patterns. Once that skill is mastered students can begin to extend patterns and create their own!


What are some other fun toddler Valentine’s day activities? Let me know below in the comments.

Happy Valentine’s Day!